Get custom made bags for Reverse air (R/A) bag houses which can be cleaned by back-washing (reversing the air flow)
within a chamber after shutting off the dirty gas flow and isolating the compartment.
Dust Collection Bags for Reverse Air Bag houses
Reverse air (R/A) bag-houses use continuous streams of low pressure air to remove collected solids. Bags are cleaned by back washing (reversing the air flow) within a chamber after shutting off the dirty gas flow and isolating the compartment. The recommended air to cloth ratio for these bag houses is between 1.75:1 and 2.5:1.
R/A bag houses are typically compartmentalized, allowing sections to be cleaned without shutting off the whole system.
Cleaning action is very gentle, which lengthens bag life.
Preferred for high temperatures due to gentle cleaning action.
Cleaning air must be filtered.
Provides no effective means for removing residual dust buildup.
Requires more maintenance than other types due to dust re-entrapment on the bags.